I got a job cleaning at a resort, lasted one day and quit (they paid per room rather than per hour and it worked out to be about $10/hour that day and was probably the most physically draining job I have ever had plus I worked for 8 hours with no break!). Then I got another job cleaning in a 5 star resort where at least they paid by the hour and we had a lunch break but it was still very physically draining. It was also very unprofessional...tons of gossip and very disorganised. Bleh! Plus now that I have worked for small companies it's so hard to go back to working for big corporations where the lowest on the totem pole (that would be me in this case) is treated terribly, never appreciated and generally underpaid and overworked. When I was being given a tour of the place I happened to mention to my manager that the pool was lovely to which she replied "The employees aren't allowed to swim in the pool". Even though it didn't surprise me I was thinking "and why the f*ck should we after working our asses off so that you can charge people $260/night for a small hotel room?...that would just be insane!" I'm telling you...if I ever own a big company it will be the guys at the bottom who I will treat the best. Free massages, drinks and you can swim in the effing pool all you like!!! I lasted there 4 days.
Then I got my 3rd job in 3 weeks waitressing at a beachfront bar called Marlins (there's apparently no recession on this island. Plenty of jobs to be had!) It's also hard work as I only work Fri-Sun (the busiest days) and I spend most of my time in the kitchen washing dishes or running food and cleaning up tables but at least I have a 2 hour break since it's split shifts in which I can swim in the ocean, take a nap on the beach and read my book or eat an ice cream. I also feel appreciated for the work I do there (my Manager buys us drinks at the end of a busy shift and ALWAYS says thank you to me when I am leaving) and the wages are quite good.
Here's what the bar/restaurant looks like...

This is what it looks like at about 6pm when I start the second part of my shift...

Conrad and his friend who had come from Germany to travel with him for a bit came to the Island for 2 nights so I went to meet up with them the second night they were here...

Adam got a job on the Gold Coast as a Head Chef (congrats Adam!) and therefore obviously left us. The hostel just isn't the same without him. I miss him a lot...and here's why...

The only good thing that came out of Adam leaving was that I got his old room. A double bed all to myself. Oh the luxury!!!

Before he left there was one Saturday when everyone who lives at the hostel (there's about 8 of us) were all home (which is rare since we all have jobs), so we had a family day together swimming in the pool, playing footy and drinking beer. It was one of my favourite days at the hostel in the 7 weeks that I've been here.

I did a lot of this that day...

In my last blog I mentioned the Full Moon party which happens once a month at X-Base. It was pretty cheesy and the music was terrible but we went none the less. Having a few drinks before we went...

Another night I made tacos for the fam and the possums were going nuts. There were about 6 of them surrounding us and getting pretty aggressive. We were under attack! At one point Tash (to the left of me) said "Possums go wacko for tacos!" I laughed pretty hard at that one. Not sure why I found it so funny but I did.

Um...just a random pic of Laura and I...

These handsome boys have moved into our hostel. They are from France. Jeremy on the left and Frank on the right. Katie is the other girl in this pic. She is from England and works at the pub near my hostel. I work with the girl she is travelling with called Caroline at Marlin Bar.

Um...just a random pic of Greg, Tash and myself!?

and another random of Katie and I...

Here's Katie hard at work at the pub...

and another random of Katie and I...

Here's Katie hard at work at the pub...

I went to this Bay close to where I live called Rocky Bay. You have to walk down a steep hill of rocks to get to it which makes it very secluded and often empty. When I went I was the only person on the beach for the first hour and laid in the sun and listened to my ipod and sang out loud. Since it's so secluded it makes it a good candidate for one of 3 nude beaches on the island...

This is what it looks like from the look-out point I climbed up to...

This is the Jetty at Picnic Bay where I live from up above, although it was low tide that day so the water looks kind of yucky.

Rocky Bay from the beach itself...

Looking up at the look-out point where I took the other pic from (the highest point).

There's even a wishing tree there! I made a wish that all of you could come and visit me here! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and awaiting your arrival patiently!

Random things about the island:
The buses have names. How cute is that? Here's Big Ben...

Cathy J...

and Friendly Fred...

This is what it looks like from the look-out point I climbed up to...

This is the Jetty at Picnic Bay where I live from up above, although it was low tide that day so the water looks kind of yucky.

Rocky Bay from the beach itself...

Looking up at the look-out point where I took the other pic from (the highest point).

There's even a wishing tree there! I made a wish that all of you could come and visit me here! I'm keeping my fingers crossed and awaiting your arrival patiently!

Random things about the island:
The buses have names. How cute is that? Here's Big Ben...

Cathy J...

and Friendly Fred...