Despite my homesickness and feelings of sadness, X-Mas wasn't all that bad afterall (partly because it didn't really feel like X-Mas at can it when it's 30 degrees outside???). On Christmas Eve I went to a Couchsurfing potluck event at this girl Amy's house. This would be one of those times as a traveller when you have to step outside of your comfort zone and just walk into a party where you know absolutely no one and hope that it's not going to be terrible. was anything but. There was tons of food and I met lot's of new people. Some of which I've hung out with since.

Like these folks for instance! This is Steve (far left), Michael (in the middle) and Vallicity. Val is from B.C. Canada and she is awesome. She's been working here as a nanny. She's really down to earth and funny. A sraight to the point kinda gal.

We opened those cracker things and there was a crown inside so I put mine on. Here's a pic of me looking super cute;)

It was hard to get a group pic but this is the best we could do. There was probably about 40 of us all together.

On Christmas day I worked at a very expensive restaurant for 5 hours, went home and took a nap and then went to a house party with my friend Laura where I made more new friends and stayed up until 9:30am. Good times! A few days after Christmas some friends and I went to Manly Beach because it was Henna's last day in Sydney:( Saying goodbye is something I am going to have to get very used to as a traveller. It's not fun. Here's a pic of Alexander and Henna.

Then Tom really wanted to play Cricket (not "Croquet" which is what I pictured when Tom first told me about it. He had a lovely time taking the piss out of me for that one) Side note: "Taking the piss is another saying you hear often here meaning "make fun of". Anyway, we indulged him for a while.

Then we indulged him even more by going to a real Cricket match. Usually these games go on for like 5 days (snore) but this was a 20/20 game so it only lasted about 3 hours. I was happy to have been able to experiece it. It's a little more exciting to watch then baseball but no comparison to hockey or my personal favourite, basketball.

Here we are (James, Tom, Thomas and I) at the game trying to look enthused.

New Years Eve here is an all-day event since it's warm enough to be outside. At about 2pm I went to a Couchsurfing picnic event (sorry didn't take any pics). Then at about 6pm we went to this place called Ballshead so that we could have a view of the firesworks over the Harbour. If you want to watch right from the Harbour you need to get a spot at like 8am so we were a little further away but the view was still lovely. Here's a pic of the cityline from where we were...

At 9pm they have the first fireworks display (mostly for the kid's). My friend Laura and I decided that would be a good time to open our bubbly...

Here's a pic of Laura and I after we've had a few glasses of bubbly. Laura is great by the way. She is from the U.S. but she has been in Sydney for a while and keeps finding new and innovative ways to stay. She is currently on the look-out for a) a sugar-daddy, b) an Aussie to marry or c) a business to sponsor her. If you know of anyone, let me know. She loves this city so much. She should be the poster girl for Sydney.

After the 9pm firesoworks we walked for about 30mins to North Sydney and met up with some other friends who had an apartment there. At midnight the fireworks were INSANE!!! I have never seen anything like it in my life. I recorded it on my camera but it would take forever to upload a 12 minuute video using wireless so instead I invite you to take a look at this youtube video of them...
The second half if there as well if you feel so inclined.
Then at about 4am I made my way home and ran into this cute cat who lives in the hostel down the road from where I live. She or He is so affectionate. I miss Reggie!

On Monday I move to Melbourne. Sydney, you have been wonderful but it is time to move on. I will miss you. xo
You look so cute and tanned! Ballshead ha ha.
When I saw 'cricket' in the title, I was like, oh no! Another picture of a giant and terrifying bug!
How's Melboune... tell us. I'm dying to know. Maybe they don't have internet on that side of Australia and you can't update
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