I am now working full-time for the Red Cross. I was originally hired to work in their call centre during their annual appeal answering questions from the volunteers who go door knocking to collect money. This is their major fundraising event for the year and usually 150,000 people participate in trying to raise funds for them. BUT...since the bush fires happened (and continue to happen) in Victoria (quite close to where I am living actually) Australians have donated 200 million dollars to help those who have lost their homes and family/friends and so the Red Cross made a decision to cancel the campaign this year because they didn't feel it was appropriate to ask for more money after so much has already been generously given. Which by the way has completely overwhelmed me. I sit in my office everyday and open up mail from people who write notes thanking the people who work for Red Cross for their efforts and saying how they wish they could give more but they are profoundly affected and they really make an effort to come together as a country and take care of one another. It's quite touching really. So...since they decided to cancel the campaign, my job load and therefore my contract was cut in half. It was quite dissapointing finding this out on my first day of work. I had been contracted to work until June but am not sure what is going to happen now. They will probably only need us for a month or two. I am trying to be optimistic and of course just feel grateful for any money coming in but the recession is starting to hit hard here and it is scary. My job had 200 applicants, 60 interviews and only 14 people were hired. Many jobs now are only open to Australian citizens and those that aren't get over 300 hits within the first few hours of being posted. We are all applying for the same few jobs. Anyway, I am trying my best to let it go and trust that I will be taken care of. I know of a few travellers who have had to cut their trip short because they couldn't find work.
My emotions continue to fluctuate about being so far away from the people I love and know the best (and visa versa). I don't feel homesick as often as I did when I first got here but it still comes in waves, especially when I am having a rough day. Travelling on my own means I feel so free and for the first time ever I truly live in the moment and accept what is with very little resistence. I experience things I would never normally experience (see last post) and meet people I would never meet othersise. Plus, the weather is pretty sweet;) On the other hand I desperately crave being close to those who love me and know me the best. Connections like that are not made in a few days/months/weeks. I daydream about my first reunion with everyone and it put's a huge smile on my face.
I think that's pretty much it for the updates for now. I still plan to do some trips and super fun things on the weekends even though I am working full-time so I will update when I can but if I updated every week right now it would be all "today I went to work and did stuff and talked to people. I had a really good tuna sandwhich for lunch. Then I came home, made dinner and went to a movie and was in bed by 11pm" BORING! I would rather wait until there's actually something to write about.
Here are some pictures of people wearing my sunglasses. I get a lot of compliments on these (all thanks to you Katie). I will probably add to this blog post as I take more pics of people wearing them in the future...

ha ha ha haha. I like the windows. Classy.
Also, don't get too down about the job situation. A lot of us are in the same boat. I'll send happy thoughts and good energy your way.
Thanks Amanda. Also, which Amanda is this? I know like 5.
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