When I left Welly on Feb 5th it was bitter sweet. I was leaving behind shit weather, a 9-5 office job and a city that I never quite saw what everyone was so in love with. On the other hand I was leaving Lindsay and Anette, both of whom I had become very close with and was used to seeing every single day, some form of routine, my own room, and of course my 2 lovely flatmates Annemieke and Kate. We tried to get a good pic of the 3 of us at their new flat before I left but our attempts were futile. Here's our first attempt with my hand completely covering Kate's beautiful face...

The second with Annemieke's eye's closed and a somewhat bewildered look on Kate's face (not to mention my one day trial of a fringe that goes across my forehead instead of my sidesweep which I didn't like and the following day went back to)...

By the third attempt we were laughing so hard that Annemieke had to cover her face...

and then apparently completely turn away from the camera. Anyway, there they are. The lovely Annemieke and Kate who I love and miss dearly.

RIP favourite jeans...

A few weekends before I left, Lindsay, Anette and myself took a 12 hour bus ride (who we shared with a 2 year old child who's Mother hadn't brought a single toy for him to play with on the way there and a 5 year old who was still breastfeeding on the way back....no judgements...just a little weird) to Auckland for Big Day Out. It was the most perfect day for the event, sunny and hot, although the venue was not at all big enough for the 50,000 tickets they sold making filling up your water bottle or going to the toilet a major event. Check out all the rubbish on the ground after only a few hours...

Here's a terrible and barely visible pic of Ladyhawke. So fun. Danced my ass off...

Gin Wigmore was also pretty fun. Other acts included Jet, Muse, Powderfinger, The Decemberists and Passion Pit.

This was a local NZ band called Open Souls. I had never heard them before but they were so fun. Had a hip hop/latin vibe going on. I was running out of steam after 12 hours there when they came on and they were just what I needed to get me pumped up again.

There were a few touristy things that I hadn't done yet in Welly that I had to do before I left. One of those things was riding the cable car up to the Botanic Gardens...

There was a free band playing in the gardens that night so a few of us went to check them out with some wine and snacks. I'm so used to being able to have a glass of wine or beer in public now. It's going to be weird to get back to strict old North America in a few weeks...

On a walk by the waterfront one day we saw these weird bubble boy things which allowed you to kind of walk on water. Except that they basically just stayed in one spot spinning. Looked kind of dumb. We didn't waste our money.

One day Lindsay and I went to a sort of bird sanctuary called Staglands with her boyfriend Nick and his son Flynn.

Check out the ugliest pig in the world that we saw there...


There were also some lovely birds (obviously!)

This was in a little makeshift town thing that they had built. Scary!

I got thrown in jail...

and then had my head chopped off for committing fashion crimes with my sunglasses...

I was very pleased to snap a pic of this Peacock while he had his tail up...until Flynn came over and threw a stick at him!

Lindsay tried to steal a goat.

I just thought these dudes looked extra cute with their long furry feathers. Bad hair day!

But we still had tons of fun.



Then we went back to Nick's and Lindsay decided to get dressed up in a Pterodactyl costume that Nick had "made for his son" even though it was way too big and surprisingly fit Nick perfectly!? If it didn't take so long to upload a video I could show you drunken footage of her chasing the dog around in the costume yelling "I want to eat the dog!" Pretty funny stuff if I do say so myself. Well, we thought so, anyway.

A few days before my departure we had a decadent evening which included dinner at a delicious and slightly expensive (but well worth it) restaurant. I had pasta. Lindsay and Anette had muscles.

The too cool for school Clint (one of Lindsay's flat mates) joined us as well...

After we went for Honey Martinis at The Matterhorn. So fancy!

My last night in Welly we went to have dessert at a place called Strawberry Fare. It was yum!

You can dress us up but...

you can't take us out...

Well you can...

So bright and early Feb 5th I met up with Amelia and took the ferry to the South Island and met the Stray bus at 11:00am to start an amazing but insanely tiring journey around the South Island. Full details and a milion pics in my next blog post!
Oh ya and I almost forgot that 2 days before I left I walked my Jemaine from Flight of the Conchords! How awesome is that?
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