Little by little I am starting to feel more comfortable getting around in Sydney on my own and finding fun things to do. The only thing I have to watch is my spending. This city is very expensive and it's easy to forget that I am not yet working and so I have lot's of money coming out of my bank account and none coming in. With any luck, I should have a job within the next week or so. I am emailing my resume out today to places for admin jobs. Something that is not too commital and doesn't involve too much training. There is tons of call centre work here but I'm so over listening to people complain or trying to sell something to someone that they don't want all day.
I am still currently in the same Hostel I was at when I arrived. I've checked out some other ones but this one is clean and so far the people in my room have bee very respectful and quiet, despite the fact that there are 10 of us in it! If you would have told me that I would have been satisfied living in a room with 10 people and in a Hostel with who knows how many more, I would never have believed you but I am walking distance from most things I want to do and right near a chinese market where I can buy fresh fruit and vegetables. If I want to move into a room in a house I would be paying the same amount to either live far away by train from downtown or sharing a bedroom with someone! Did I mention that this city is expensive???
Not unlike Toronto, there is always something to do in Sydney. and since it's the summer...many of those things involve being outside! About a week ago my friend Tom and I went to see an outdooor movie in Kings Cross, which is a sketchy and therefore interesting part of town. The film was by a local artist and was about a group of under-privileged kid's from this suburb in Sydney called Woolloomooloo (such an awesome name!) who form a basketball team. It was actually a really good film and some of the kid's who were in it were in the audience.

Then on Saturday we wanted to go to Bondi Beach but the weather wasn't very nice (which sucked because it was super hot all week when Tom was working!) so we ended up just walking to this funky neighbourhood called Glebe and playing Scrabble (we've probably played about 20 games at this point and Tom has literally beat me every single game. Although once I only lost by 3 points! He's lucky I'm not very competative) at this coffee shop that won an award last year for best coffee in Sydney. Even though it looked beautiful, I've had better...

Oh ya...and Andrea came too. Although I spilled some tomatoe on her face when I was making the sandwiches. Sorry Andrea.

I'm jealous that it's summer there.
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