So I think I've decided to stay in Sydney until after New Years and then head down to Melbourne. It's pretty easy to find work here and the average pay starts at about $20/hour, no matter what you do. I haven't started applying yet but it's on my list of things to do within the next week or so. The hostel where I am staying is reasonable and fairly quiet. There's no alcohol aloud on the premises and the only common area is a large dining room table. The majority of people staying here are a bit older and working so I don't have to worry about getting woken up in the middle of the night by drunken teenagers having sex in the bunk below me (I've heard nightmare stories from other travellers. Ew!) The food here is fairly expensive and not too healthy. I have to buy some food and start cooking. So far I've mostly been eating out but at this rate I will probably gain 500lbs within the next year!
The last few days Amy and Matt were here we went to the Botanical gardens and these huge bats were just chilling in the trees in the middle of the day.

Then we walked over to the Opera House and took some typical tourist pics. We took a few that made it look like we were eating the Opera House but the one of me is truly unflattering so I decided not to post it. That's the nice thing about having your own blog. You can decide to only post pretty pics of yourself!

The bridge behind the Opera House is beautiful and huge and you can actually climb up it. Those tiny figures on the top are actually people. Something I will definitely have to do before I leave here.

Then we decided to go to a pub to see some live music. On our way over to the pub we decided to get ice cream and this sign was outside. Another one to add to my "Signs that you know you're not in Canada" collection!

At the pub we saw a great live band and played some scrabble. All you Revue peeps will be happy to know that the Travel Scrabble is a huge hit and has definitely helped me make friends.

Like this friend, for instance. His name is Tom. We offered him the rest of our Mango one morning when he was hung over and when he found out we had scrabble we became instant bff's. Since he's feom England he knows how to drive on the opposite side of the road so we rented a car and drove to Blue Mountains the day before Amy and Matt left. He was so happy to be driving and he got to play his CD's which was super exciting for him because his ipod was stolen a few months ago. Luckily he has good taste in music.

Here I am at Blue Mountains. In the background there are 3 rock formations that are supposed to represent 3 women who were frozen in time when this dude went off to war and then he died and so they were never restored into their natural state. In the gift shop there was a guest book and someone had written "It sucks...just a bunch of mountains." Tom and I thought that was pretty funny since most people were commenting on how beautiful they are.

On our way back to the car we bumped into this guy...

Then we went to Manly beach. Not as nice as Bondi beach but still very nice and full of surfers. Most of the stores near the beach have the word manly in front of them which was pretty funny. Like, Manly swimwear and Manly Hostel.

Oh ya! and I have a cell phone. So you should call or text me. It only costs me 25cents/text to send overseas but I'm not sure how much it would cost you. My actual number is 0414959180. I'm pretty sure that in order to call/text me you need to dial 01161414959180. If you know Andrea you can confirm with her because she has texted me a few times already. Just keep in mind that I am 15hours ahead of you!
That's all for now. Exes and Ohs times a million.
Eleanor, I'm loving your updates - so nice to have someone to live vicariously through! Keep 'em coming!
The Minks and I took pictures of ourselves eating Alcatraz when we were in San Francisco! HA!
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